How to Update OpenCore + Kexts on Hackintosh the Easy Way

2024年3月2日—...Hackintoshbeforeaswewon'tbedeepdivinginhere....Akextisakernelextension,youcanthinkofthisasadriverformacOS,thesefiles ...,2023年5月28日—VirtualSMC.kextisarequirement-itemulatestheSMCchipfoundonrealmacs,andconvincestheOSthatyes,this...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Gathering files

2024年3月2日 — ... Hackintosh before as we won't be deep diving in here. ... A kext is a kernel extension, you can think of this as a driver for macOS, these files ...

Gathering Kexts | rHackintosh Vanilla Desktop Guide

2023年5月28日 — VirtualSMC.kext is a requirement - it emulates the SMC chip found on real macs, and convinces the OS that yes, this is a real Mac.

Hackintosh Kext List

FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext | Wifi (Broadcom): FakePCIID_BCM57XX_as_BCM57765.kext| Ethernet (Broadcom); GenericUSB: Unsupported USB; VoodooPS2: Trackpad ...


All of the following kexts are available on this repo courtesy of Goldfish64. Each kext is auto-built whenever a new commit is made. If you prefer to build them ...


2019年3月15日 — FakePCIID_Intel_HD_Graphics.kext – 通過模仿另一個支持的iGPU,在iGPU上啟用macOS不支持的集成顯卡。具有HD 630的Kaby Lake CPU在10.12.6中得到了支持。

I made a website to easily download Kexts

2020年11月27日 — Hey, as the title suggests, I made a website that's a one-stop shop for your Kext downloads: It's just a giant list, ...


2019年3月15日 — 有時在安裝Hackintosh時,如果沒有此驅動程序,則會出現內核崩潰,或者未檢測到鼠標和USB鍵盤,尤其是在現代主板上。相反,有時它會減慢這個過程。沒有人 ... at master

OpenCore bootloader. Contribute to acidanthera/OpenCorePkg development by creating an account on GitHub.


2018年11月24日 — 用黑蘋果(Hackintosh)用戶都會透過clover引導許多kext,但是我們要如何知道有哪些kext目前正常載入呢?這篇教學就來告訴大家,透過一鍵指令就能夠查詢 ...


2024年3月2日—...Hackintoshbeforeaswewon'tbedeepdivinginhere....Akextisakernelextension,youcanthinkofthisasadriverformacOS,thesefiles ...,2023年5月28日—VirtualSMC.kextisarequirement-itemulatestheSMCchipfoundonrealmacs,andconvincestheOSthatyes,thisisarealMac.,FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext|Wifi(Broadcom):FakePCIID_BCM57XX_as_BCM57765.kext|Ethernet(Broadcom);GenericUSB:UnsupportedUSB;VoodooPS2:Trac...